I haven't been able to spend too much time in SL lately (you too huh?), but I remember talking to my friend
Tiff and she told me there were mesh bodies. I said no way. Two weeks later, I got a mesh body. I'm such a follower! Actually, I was really curious. Like all shopaholics, I need a reason to buy stuff.
Styles by Danielle's newest release Cornelia comes with appliers for the
WowMeh mesh body. Naturally, I wanted to try it.

Cornelia's slit skirt really shows off some leg, so my left leg was sleek and my butt was nicely rounded. If you love your Lola Tangos, Dani offers an applier for those as well. Cornelia also comes in tons of
pretty colors, specifically sets of exotic and pastel colors, but its appeal is its versatility. Some of us have embraced mesh, while others are eh, so you can wear Cornelia traditionally or WowMehitionally.

When shopping, make sure to wear your tag if you are a
Danielle inworld group member because you'll receive a 30% discount. Click
Styles by Danielle for an inworld lift or if you feel like shopping out of world, click
here for Styles by Danielle on MP.
Just for fun:
Tiffani Celestalis: Well if I do [get sl married], divorce and buy a new mesh body, do I regain my virginity?
Laylah Lecker: Yup
Laylah Lecker: You start all over!
Tiffani Celestalis: So you're a virgin again.
Tiffani Celestalis: probably not
Tiffani Celestalis: ok nvm
Laylah Lecker: I have always been a SL virgin. I never had a vagina
Laylah Lecker: tmi?
Dress: Cornelia by
Styles by Danielle in Aquamarine
WowMehSkin: Glam Affair Candy in America (WowMeh appliers available)
Exile Believe AgainShoes:
Ben's Boutique Eliza Platform
Pose 1: MS Promises Set 1.10
Pose 2: MS Rip it up Set 1.7